It happened again.

Time passed.

Quicker this year than the last. So fast I barely caught a sniff of it. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed but it only seems to be getting quicker. Kronos, the Titan that was doomed to an eternity of counting days, hours, minutes, and seconds, seems to be picking up the pace, bums-rushing us to an apocalyptic exit.

And I'm certain that next year will pass quicker than this one. And this coming decade may just slip through our fingers if we’re not careful. Before we know it, it'll just be a period in our lives and little else.

Time, then, to hold on tight, nail down the days, and look upon what has happened and try to make sense of it. If we don’t then it may just end up lost in the endless sea of details, drifting further away from our recollection.

Photographs, daily journals, incessant note-taking, and naval-gazing end-of-year reviews. Tools for a person looking to capture the moment. I recommend you pick at least one and make a habit out of it.

See my previous end-of-year reviews as examples:

27th December 2019 (Today)

I’m in Mansfield. The town where I spent my formative years. I'm sitting in the very same Burger King that I used to work at, back when I was a spotty long-haired sixteen-year-old boy.

I thought that the familiar burger stink and cardboard crowns might help me get reflective, but it’s loud in here. And there are children coughing. And a man with very large glasses is peering over at my computer screen.

Yeah... I'm talking about you Mr Large Milkshake.

Anyway... distractions and all... I may as well get on with it.

Let's get reflective.