It’s January 1st, gone noon, and I’m drinking an extremely strong coffee. I’m at home, in my dressing gown, my dog snoozing by my side, and we’ve entered another lockdown due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.

It’s bizarre how normal that feels to write.


It’s like how Ed Harris says in The Truman Show: ‘People will accept whatever reality is presented to them’.

At this point you could tell me aliens exist, mars is sentient, and God is a mint choc chip Cornetto, and I’d be shocked at first… but eventually it would just be another day. We can’t do anything but make the most of what we’re given so let’s do just that. Let’s make the most of our weird quarantined 2021.

Starting with a nice little end-of-year report.

Every year I sit down and look back at the previous year and try to break it down, make sense of it. I think the Luke-of-last-year said it best:

"Time, then, to hold on tight, nail down the days, and look upon what has happened and try to make sense of it. If we don’t then it may just end up lost in the endless sea of details, drifting further away from our recollection.”

But do these end-of-year reports help?

No idea.

But I like doing them.

And I like revisiting them and seeing what ambitions the Luke-of-2015 had or what was on the mind of the Luke-of-2017. It’s like being able to time-travel, to talk to the yester-you’s, to see where you’ve been, maybe get a better idea of where you want to go next.

So again, for the curious, see as I rip myself apart, shake my severed bits, and see what tumbles out.

See previous years’ reports below (some of these links are currently broken. I’ll fix them asap).