It’s coming to that time in the year where we get reflective and sad and stuff.

We think about all of the opportunities we’ve missed and the few that we went for.

At the start of the year I wrote a to-do list for the year - things I wanted to do.

Here’s how it went:

1. Write A Book Of Short Stories.


Will be out on the 15th ;).

When I look back at the hard work I put into this book it scares me, because now I’ve set a bar for myself that I’m going to need to reach with everything I do.

I'm so dam proud of the stories in this book. It's almost like a gateway into my soul. With every story you get a glimpse into my history, my thought processes, my worries, my dreams.

It's fucking terrifying actually.

I can’t wait for you to read it.

2. Write & Direct A Short Film.


With the guys at Enigmatic Productions we made Macho Dan. We made it for a 24hour film competition and we came first. WE WON DAMMIT!!! It’s a crazy little film with a terrifying elbow drop. I hope you like it.

3. Finish My Animated Short Film.


This is an animated film project that I'm working on. It's based on one of the short stories in Underdog Stories. The animation is 90% complete. I need about an extra £1000 to finish it all off - to record the narration, to pay for the audio track, for the grading, etc, and to enter the film into festivals.

I haven’t got that kind of money to feed into this project yet so I feel like I'm going to have to put it on the back burner for a while.

I might look at crowdfunding this at some point in the new year.

4. Get Love & Other Chairs seen.